Help & FAQ'S

How long will it take to receive my order?

Please allow 1-2 working days for your order to be packed & posted. Delivery times vary depending on their destination. It will take anywhere from 2-8 working days via Regular Standard Post or 1-5 days via Express Post.

How can I track my order?

You should receive an email with your tracking information as soon as your order has been dispatched. Please get in touch via the CONTACT page if you require further assistance.

Can I make changes to my order once processed?

Unfortunately, once an order has been processed online we are unable to make changes or cancel.

Can I get a refund if I return my order?

Yes. You can also receive an exchange or store credit on any return orders. This providing the goods are unused, unworn and in original condition with all labels and tags attached.

Do I pay for postage if I return my order for exchange?

Yes. The goods are your responsibility until they reach our store, so please ensure you use a postal service that insures the value of the items you are posting. Any additional shipping costs for exchanged items will be at the expense of the customer. 

How long do I have to use my store credit?

Store credits are valid for 12 months from issue date.

I believe my garment is faulty. What do I do?

Please contact us by emailing with images, your order/receipt number and a brief description of the issue.